Terms & Refund Policy

If you have any questions, please email us at Admin@QKRSchoolOfRealEstate.com

Tuition, Refund, And Cancellation Policy

Livestream And Classroom Courses:

Students may request a refund within 24 hours from the first class of a Livestream to receive a refund*. Students can swap to another Livestream course, if they no longer qualify for a refund. Livestream students who do not attend their scheduled class will not qualify for a refund. If a course is completed, it does not qualify for a refund. If the student purchased a membership or package and completed at least one for-credit course, a refund is no longer available for the entire membership or package. *Physical textbooks, manuals, and shipping are non-refundable.

Online Courses:

Starting from the date of purchase, students have 30 days to request a refund*. If a course is completed, it does not qualify for a refund. If the student purchased a membership or package and completed at least one for-credit course, a refund is no longer available for the entire membership or package. *Physical textbooks, manuals, and shipping are non-refundable.


Students who enroll in online courses may have the opportunity to audit or review in-person classroom courses, subject to availability. Students should call the Gold Coast office to ensure space is available before attempting to audit a course. Students who wish to transfer to another classroom course will be able to do so upon paying a $50 transfer fee plus the difference between the classroom and online course tuition. Students transferring from a classroom course to an online course can do so upon paying a transfer fee. This fee may vary depending upon the course. All transfers must be approved by the school Administrator or Director. Classroom and online courses are different courses. Time spent in each cannot be transferred or interchanged. Any course materials will be shipped within 7 days of registration. Additional charges for shipping may apply to any materials being shipped outside of the Continental United States.

All Modalities:

  • If a course is completed, it does not qualify for a refund.

  • If the student purchased a membership or package and completed at least one for-credit course, a refund is no longer available for the entire membership or package.

  • Physical textbooks, manuals, and shipping are non-refundable.

  • A check returned by students’ bank for any reason, will incur a service charge.

General Policies

NSF Check Charges:

An NSF fee of $30 shall be charged for all returned checks. The student is responsible for all payments, regardless of who pays for the class (ie: company or relative).

Tuition Fees:

Tuition covers class fees and one set of materials (if included in tuition). Tuition must be paid in full prior to the start of any class. Certain classes (ie: contractor, etc.) may require additional materials that are not included in the c ourse tuition. Please check with staff regarding what is or is not included with each class.

Tuition is valid for the specific program the student signed up for, and for a specific time period. QKR School will consider transferring tuition to another program, provided the request would meet refund guidelines. Students who do not complete courses within the allotted time will be required to pay the current tuition, minus a prior student discount to continue. The following are the time-frames that tuition is valid:

  • Real Estate Sales and Broker Pre-license classroom courses: 2 years

  • Real Estate Sales and Broker pre-license online courses: 1 year

  • Contractor continuing education online courses: 1 year

  • Contractor cram course: the course that the student signed up for

  • All other courses: 1 year

Material Updates:

From time-to-time course materials will be updated and changed. For courses that include materials, QKR will provide the student with one set of materials. If the materials are later updated or revised, it is the student’s responsibility to pay for upgraded materials.


Partial deposits will be honored for one year from the date the deposit was made. During the one year period deposits may only be transferred to another student or another class provided the student has not attended any class sessions and provided that QKR is notified in writing as to the student’s intentions. QKR has the sole right and discretion to approve or disapprove of any deposit transfer.

Repeats/Retakes: (Real Estate And Appraisal Students Only)

FREC and FREAB rules dictate that students who fail a class exam must wait at least 30 days before retaking the exam. If a student wants to test prior to the 30 days, he or she must repeat the entire course before being eligible to retest. If a student fails the retake exam, he or she must repeat the entire course before being eligible to retest. Retake students will have priority over review students if classes are full.

Review Students:

Review students are students who have passed the end of course exam, but wish to further review prior to the state exam. Three rules apply for review students. 1) Review students are asked to register with the office. 2) All review is on a space available basis. New students and retake students will have priority over review students. 3) Review students are asked not to participate in classroom discussions.

Hurricane/Tropical Storm Policy

In the event of inclement weather, QKR management will monitor storms and make decisions regarding cancellation of classes on a case by case basis. In the event of a class cancellation all efforts will be made to quickly reschedule classes as time and classroom space permit. It is not always possible to schedule makeup classes on the same days and times as the classes that are cancelled.

Cram Courses:

Students must pre-register for all cram courses and are expected to complete all cram materials prior to attending the cram. Crams are intended for those who have completed their class and are preparing for the state exam. Students can only register for one cram at a time.

Recording Devices:

Recording devices (including tape recorders, digital recorders, cameras, camera phones, video recorders, etc.) are not permitted to be used in class.


Each state agency limits the amount of time students are allowed to miss. Instructors will explain this policy in class. Students missing in excess of the allowed time will be required to make up the time and material prior to testing.


The nature of the State required material and the time frame allowed requires that class be presented in a highly structured format. Each instructor has his or her own specific policy on answering student questions which will be explained at the start of class.

Class Examinations:

Class exams are required to be administered under secure conditions. Students are not permitted to use cellular phones or apps on phones during exams. Students found cheating on an exam will be dismissed from class with no credit and no refund. Any incidents of suspected cheating may be reported to the appropriate state agency.

Exam Review:

Class exams are utilized as an evaluation to determine whether or not a student is qualified to proceed to the State examination. Class exams are not part of the learning process. QKR does not review class exams with students.

Study Aids And Products:

Throughout the course your instructor will mention different study aids and additional course offerings. These products and courses are optional. They are designed to assist you in your studying and enhance your professional knowledge.

Disruptive Students:

Instructors have the authority to dismiss any student that the instructor feels is disruptive and or whose behavior may be detrimental to other students, at any time without a refund.